Hi, I’m Emily :)
Thank you for visiting felt Write!
My journey to life coaching started in a windowless office.
It was there that I told my boss my mom had cancer and then three weeks later told her my sister had cancer, too.
Their cancer challenged my own mortality and how I was choosing to spend my existence on this planet. I understood that if I was going to spend a majority of my time in a place that it had to be one that was fulfilling and life affirming. I cubicle-hopped for over a decade before realizing that what I was looking for did not exist and that if I wanted to prioritize my emotional health, I would have to create the work to do it.
felt Write was born out of the belief that my life’s work can be fun, fulfilling, profitable and of service.
I want to bring HUMANity back into the workforce and be an example of an emotionally intelligent business that thrives.
This path has been exciting yet it started from a place of heartbreak. In every decade that I’ve been on this planet, I’ve lost someone close to me. I was 10 when my grandma passed, 19 for my dad, 29 with my sister and 35 for my mom. I processed each loss differently but the outcome was always gratitude for my life and a deeper capacity to love.
My mom and sister were diagnosed with cancer within weeks of each other. After one of my mom’s chemo visits, she went to the library and picked up Kris Carr’s Crazy, Sexy, Cancer book. This was monumental. Kris was a gateway to other spiritual thought leaders and business owners. My girls mortality coupled with Kris’s insight led me back to yoga, taking writing classes, working with life coaches, psychologists and other healers.
I knew I couldn’t face this on my own and needed as much help as one could get.
Any coach, therapist, yoga class, retreat, that I have invested in was an investment in myself. I realized after going through these different mediums that they were conduits for self reflection and expression. I also understood that I will be a forever student.
I love to learn, evolve, and bring that energy when coaching others.
Spoiler Alert: I do not have the answers for you.
What makes felt Write so unique is that every individual who trusts this process will get out of it what’s authentic to them.
You have the answers, I’m here to help excavate and put your answers into action.
The first part in the grieving process is to honor the grief existing. This can be challenging, especially when the world is still turning and telling you to move on. Grief isn't linear and there isn't a finish line, as it is always with you. It's an opportunity to expand your emotional capacity but before that happens, it has to be acknowledged in order to be dealt with.
I believe that grief can be the birth place of exponential growth if you tend to it with care.
“The people who don’t give up are the people who find a way to believe in abundance rather than scarcity. They’ve taken into their hearts the idea that there is enough for all of us, that success will manifest itself in different ways for different people, that keeping the faith is more important than cashing the check.”
"Emily is your go-to coach to experience the gifts inside you. I'd see her as 'Certified Student' and 'Forever Human' ~ a heart-centered leader and wellness coach, her life and work are amazing and inspiring at the same time. She has combined writing with wellbeing beautifully & employs her life's growing experiences in coaching her clients. Definitely recommend her to clients. Best of lucks for all walks."
-Adil Farooq Qureshi
“We run from grief because loss scares us, yet our hearts reach toward grief because the broken parts want to mend.”
So, Julia Cameron forever. “The Artist's Way” is like my bible and it is always on my side table at the ready.
Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, “Big Magic” (and everything else she does)
Gary Vee! Love his podcast, his social media presence, and the fact that he's a Jersey Boy.
“Tiny Beautiful Things” by Cheryl Strayed — omg… I used to carry that book with me everywhere.
Stacey Boehman — a life coach who I love!