
I did not want to take this picture. I didn’t want to take any of the pictures that were going to be used for my website. The thought of seeing myself through the lens of another made me straight up ill. I thought about canceling the shoot and then immediately canceling my dream.

But I know what the other side of being vulnerable looks like. I know the routine of freaking the fuck out and then going for it anyway. This has been a cycle that has gone on my whole life and I can say with 100% certainty that i’m over my shit.

An epic benefit of starting felt write is that I am healing along side everyone else. I cannot expect someone to come into a space and give their heart without me doing the same. I get to connect with people in their humanity while learning how to embrace my own. It pushes me forward.

If I show you mine, will you show me yours?

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Emily GriffithComment
Day Won

I’m beyond excited that this idea that’s been running around my heartbrain is now in the world. My energy is vibing so high right now and yet I am super aware that the work hasn’t even begun yet. Felt Write is the business healing I’ve been dreaming of for years. and I’m ready to share it all with you .

Emily Griffith Comments